we can do this!
Now more than ever we need collective intelligence, wisdom and capacity. I invite you to join me in finding ways to transform our meetings, companies and communities.
Facilitators for the Shift
Something is trying to be born. We can feel it. The old ways of the industrial growth society are crumbling, and the new ways of a life-sustaining civilization are emerging like grass through cracks in the concrete.
We’re each called to show up and to play our part in this Great Turning*. The more we join together with others, the more we can “work light”, as well as smart and hard.
Indeed, we have tremendous potential for non-linear change when we leverage “inner work”, tapping the super powers of intention, perception, intuition and consciousness.
The challenges we face are too complex for our old lone wolf and heroic leader strategies. I hope you will join me in the co-arising movement to revolutionize how we work together.
In this spirit, I’ve co-created EmergeCollab, a consultancy dedicated to audacious systems change. With my four awesome colleagues we offer SupraTank to support breakthroughs for you or your team.

We Can Do This! is *the* pocket guide to unleash the latent potential of our teams, our communities, and our society. Harness the power of 10 frameworks used by professional facilitators and consultants, and achieve greater impact.

I believe that there is a renaissance unfolding around the world in understanding and leading systemic change, change at a scale commensurate with the deep problems we face. By its nature, such a renaissance is all but completely invisible – it is hard to imagine residents of 15th century Florence speaking in such terms of what was in their midst. Grasping for more tangible ways to express this awareness, I often point to the extraordinary array of relevant practical tools and processes that have emerged over the past few decades, starting with ways to cultivate a space for deeper conversation and building teams and groups who can work together on truly complex problems. I salute Kate Sutherland’s wonderful book for two reasons: for its wonderful synthesis of useful tools for just this and for offering one more piece of evidence that the renaissance is indeed unfolding, hidden in plain sight.
I’ve been very grateful for the many group processes developed in the past decades that create new capacities and new relationships among people working together. Kate has brought the best of these together, in clear and direct language, making these processes easily accessible. Yet we must also notice how, in these past decades, we have become more separated, impatient and self-protective. Working well together is a much less frequent–even rare–experience as people withdraw in fear in response to profound uncertainty. This is where Kate’s book becomes both a challenge and a gift. Can we commit to working in these ways so that people again become engaged with their work and manifest their collective creativity? If we do, people will remember the joy of what it feels like to work well together and produce work they believe in. And this is the ultimate gift.
Capacity Building
I’m asking, “How might we support leaders and change makers to leverage the potential of inner work for non-linear change?” I share what I’m learning through books, workshops, Certificate Programs, the Lines to Live By Blog, forthcoming webinars and more.
Our sweet spot (I work with awesome colleagues) is a short potent intervention that helps a team, organization, sector or wider system to see itself and come into better alignment with Life. This always unleashes collective intelligence, wisdom and capacity. A sign at a local car mechanic shop says it well: “We do alignments.”
I strive to be fully present and authentic, and know this creates space for you to show up fully, with your magnificence and your dreams, and also your fears and vulnerabilities. Life wants to happen through us. My role is as a midwife, helping you joyfully bring into the world what is most alive in you.