What I do
The best speaking is grounded in what is most authentic for the speaker: the words ring true and touch our hearts. It is as if we ignite each other and awaken latent passions and capacities.
From Intractable to Possible – Langara College Community Lecture Series, Vancouver, November 27, 2013
Barefoot Facilitation – hosted by the Workplace Ministry, September 19, 2013
Improving How We Work Together – hosted by the Association of Ontario Health Centres, Toronto, April 16, 2013
Revolutionizing How We Work Together – hosted by MaRS and SIG — GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SERIES, Toronto, April 15, 2013.
Creating Deep Change, Inclusively – hosted by Unify Toronto and the Transformational Learning Centre, OISE-UT, Toronto, April 14, 2013
Barefoot Facilitation – hosted by Design with Dialogue. OCAD University, Toronto, April 10, 2013
Revolutionizing How We Work Together – hosted by UBC’s Sauder School for Business’ ISIS Ideas for Impact Speaker Series in collaboration with SIG (Social Innovation Generation). December 5, 2012.
Intuition, Intention and Integrity – A talk about living life consciously — hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association (North Shore Branch), July 2011
Make Light Work hosted by Be The Change Earth Alliance for their Great Turning unconference, April 2011
Intuition, Intention and Integrity — A talk about living life consciously — hosted by the Eastwood Onley Gallery, March 2011
The Two Block Diet — hosted by Village Vancouver, February 2011
The Two Block Diet — hosted by Cedar Cottage Food Network Society, February 2011

With great presence and a deft hand, Kate helped us delve into tough areas of our group culture and dynamic, and move ourselves to a place that was quite different – and better – than where we had been at the beginning of the process.