We Can Do This!
10 Tools to Unleash Our Collective Genius
We Can Do This! is *the* pocket guide to help us unleash the latent potential in our teams, our communities and our society. Harness the power of 10 frameworks used by professional facilitators and consultants, and achieve greater impact.
Used in universities, innovation labs and activist hubs. Helpful whether you are a leader, front line worker, manager, activist, entrepreneur, concerned citizen, parent or…
With deep joy, I’m making the book available for free. To receive your free digital copy, email me at kate [at]
Later, if you’re glad you’ve read the book, consider buying a hard copy for yourself, or gifting a copy for a friend, a colleague or a key influencer! You can purchase single copies here.
You can also contact me about generous discounts for volume purchases.

Why a whole book for free?
- To support leaders and change makers to be more effective at this crucial time in the history of our planet
- To remove cost barriers to accessing the book, and
- To walk my talk about the new economy seeking to emerge, trusting in the abundance of life and possibilities opened by gift giving.
I’m also hoping that if you enjoy the digital version, you will help the book move in your networks. Please share the link to this page! And please consider purchasing a hard copy at Amazon or Indigo to share with another who can benefit, or an influencer who should know about this resource.
Who is the book for?
If you have landed here, it is for you! The frameworks and approaches in the book will help you become or be a better “barefoot facilitator”. Perhaps you are a leader or manager; perhaps a consultant, activist, or entrepreneur; perhaps a parent or concerned citizen.

Barefoot facilitator?
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been inspired by the idea of Barefoot Doctors. In China in the mid-60s, there was little access to medical care in rural areas, and not enough resources to supply fully trained doctors. Instead, 30,000 villagers were trained in basic Western and Chinese medicine — enough to treat common ailments, and to share information about hygiene, family planning, and prevention of epidemics. Almost overnight, this important innovation revolutionized health outcomes in rural China.
By analogy, we do not have resources or capacity to supply professional facilitators to all the meetings and group endeavours supporting the great shifts underway. There is you, however, and thousands of people in all walks of life working to facilitate deep and lasting change in the human systems of which they are a part.
Making digital copies available for free is about giving tools to “Barefoot Facilitators”, so people like you — embedded in meetings, teams, networks, companies and bureaucracies (along with families and communities) — have the confidence to intervene, and the capacity to do so effectively!
This book – and this free digital access – is about unleashing our immense potential by harnessing the power of “group work” through tried-and-true frameworks for working together better.
What is “group work”? Hold in your mind, if you will, the soul-nourishing quality of a barnraising, the A-ha’s accessed only through deep conversation, or the exhilarating joy of a team in creative flow.
The transformative magic of being in relationship, of collaborating and actively working together to achieve big goals is not only not new, but it’s also the answer to how we move forward, as a society and a species.
Our deepest ailment is our disconnectedness, from self, each other and Life.
This is where my book comes in. We Can Do This! 10 Tools to Unleash Our Collective Genius provides a roadmap for how we can leverage the power of the group to intervene in our stuck systems.
Together, let’s kickstart a movement to transform how we live, work and dream together by getting this book into more hands!